Niskayuna 2022-23 Use of Foundation Aid Increase Report

Niskayuna 2022-23 Use of Foundation Aid Increase Report

The 2021-2022 enacted state budget includes language stating that, for the 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years, each school district receiving a Foundation Aid increase of more than 10% or $10,000,000 a school year must post a plan of how the funds will be used to address student performance and need, including but not limited to: 

  • Increasing graduation rates and eliminating the achievement gap; 
  • Reducing class size; 
  • Providing supports for students who are not meeting, or who are at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas;  Addressing student social-emotional health;
  • Providing adequate resources to English language learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing homelessness; 
  • Goals and ratios for pupil support; 
  • Detailed summaries of investments in current year initiatives and balance funds spent in priority areas.

For the 2022-23 school year, the Niskayuna Central School District (NCSD) received a foundation aid increase of $4,051,674. Plans for the district’s use of this increase are outlined below, as required by New York State. 

Priority Area: Increasing graduation rates and eliminating the achievement gap

Key Goals, Metrics, or Ratios

Increase the percentage of students who earn a local or Regents diploma by August in four years after entering grade 9, from 95% to 96% for all students, and increase 1% point for all subgroups. Ensure high quality curriculum in all areas and materials and resources (books and electronic) to support it. Provide a counseling program that supports students working toward academic goals and staying connected and engaged at school.

Community Feedback Reflected

Throughout recent years, community members have expressed at budget meetings and other public forums that social and emotional support for students and unfinished learning are key priorities.

New Foundation Aid Funds to Support Initiative


Priority Area: Reducing class sizes

Key Goals, Metrics, or Ratios

Maintaining elementary class size within district targets/guidelines and reducing middle and high school class sizes in many areas. In particular: Reduce the class size in grade 1 at Hillside Elementary School from 25 students/class to 15/class. Increase the number of high school class sections through the addition of 2.95 teaching positions (full-time equivalent/FTE), which will decrease class sizes across a variety of both core and elective classes at the high school. Increase middle school reading and math teaching staff by 0.2 FTE each, decreasing class sizes from 30 students/section to 25 students/section.

Community Feedback Reflected

Throughout recent years, community members have expressed at budget meetings and other public forums that social and emotional support for students and unfinished learning are key priorities.

New Foundation Aid Funds to Support Initiative


Priority Area: Providing supports for students who are not meeting, or at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas. 

Key Goals, Metrics, or Ratios

Decrease the number of students failing 3+ courses at the middle and high schools from an average of 6.5% to 4% for all students and decrease by 2.5% for all subgroups. In particular: Provide targeted academic support with a continuation of three full-time intervention teachers at each elementary school, increasing teaching assistants at the elementary and middle school levels to support classroom instruction and provide additional academic help to students at risk of not meeting state standards; provide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for all K-12 staff; increase knowledge of Responsive Classroom through training for 15 teachers; Increase opportunities for student physical health and conditioning, supporting student engagement, wellness and connection to school.

Community Feedback Reflected

Throughout recent years, community members have expressed at budget meetings and other public forums that social and emotional support for students and unfinished learning are key priorities.

New Foundation Aid Funds to Support Initiative


Priority Area: Addressing student social-emotional health

Key Goals, Metrics, or Ratios

Decrease the student to counselor ratio at the HS by adding one school counselor, from 5 counselors/1400 students to 6 counselors/1400 students. Continue to provide social worker support at all district schools to work with students and groups proactively; intervene and support students and school teams in crisis situations; meet with student groups of all sizes; and support teachers in meeting the social and emotional needs of all students, with the expansion of social worker staff at the elementary level in 2022-23.

Community Feedback Reflected

Throughout recent years, community members have expressed at budget meetings and other public forums that social and emotional support for students and unfinished learning are key priorities.

New Foundation Aid Funds to Support Initiative


Priority Area: Providing adequate resources to English language learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing homelessness

Key Goals, Metrics, or Ratios

Continued expansion of special education continuum and student support to meet needs at the elementary level; growth in occupational, physical and speech therapy teaching staff to better support student needs; Decrease the English language learner to English as a New Language (ENL) teacher ratio by adding an additional ENL teacher and the addition of a director of pupil personnel services director to provide leadership and support to continue to strengthen the department and increase capacity to help all students be successful

Community Feedback Reflected

Throughout recent years, community members have expressed at budget meetings and other public forums that social and emotional support for students and unfinished learning are key priorities.

New Foundation Aid Funds to Support Initiative


Priority Area: Student Safety

Key Goals, Metrics or Ratios

Strengthen elementary student safety and supervision at arrival, dismissal and other times by adding additional clerical/supervisory staff for these times.

Community Feedback Reflected

Throughout recent years, community members have expressed at budget meetings and other public forums that social and emotional support for students and unfinished learning are key priorities.

New Foundation Aid Funds to Support Initiative


Priority Area: Support for Teaching Professionals

Key Goals, Metrics or Ratios

Increased investment in the teacher mentor program, a critical component in supporting the success of new teachers

Community Feedback Reflected

Throughout recent years, community members have expressed at budget meetings and other public forums that social and emotional support for students and unfinished learning are key priorities.

New Foundation Aid Funds to Support Initiative


Analysis of Public Comments on the Plan

The school district continually seeks public input and feedback regarding the school budget and student programs and services. The development of this plan and the 2022-23 school budget was informed by stakeholder engagement through the school reopening process earlier in the year, input received at public budget meetings with time set aside for community feedback and input, as well as a variety of other district initiatives. Throughout recent years, community members have expressed at budget meetings and other public forums that social and emotional support for students and unfinished learning are key priorities. A desire to maintain current staffing levels has also been emphasized. Specific public input mechanisms that include: 

  • Public budget meetings (March 1, 15, 29 and April 12, 2022) and budget hearing (May 10)
  • Two community budget forums in May 2022, including one at the town library, and meetings with all school PTOs and K-12 staff
  • Interactive school reopening processes (summers 2020 and 2021), including follow-up surveys
  • The ongoing work of a Strategic Plan for Equity team that includes school and community stakeholders