Board of Education Policy 7440: Student Voter Registration and Pre-Registration

The District recognizes the importance of voting and civic engagement. As such, the District seeks to encourage student voter registration and pre-registration. A person who is at least sixteen years of age and who is otherwise qualified to register to vote may pre-register to vote, and will then be automatically registered to vote upon reaching the age of eligibility as provided by law.

The District promotes student voter registration and pre-registration through the following means:

a) Making registration materials available to students age 16 and above and encouraging student registration and pre-registration in classes and at various student events throughout the year.  Students with disabilities will be included in registration and pre-registration activities, including those students with disabilities who receive services outside of the District.

b) Collaborating with county boards of elections to assist in voter registration and pre-registration in the District’s high school(s); and

Students who do not choose to pre-register to vote do not have to do so.  The completion and submission of voter registration or pre-registration forms will not be a course requirement or graded assignment for District students.

Election Law § 5-507

Adopted January 27, 2020