Board of Education Policy 5420: Student Health Services

The Board of Education recognizes that good student health is vital to successful learning and realizes its responsibility, along with that of parents, to protect and foster a safe and healthful learning environment for the students.

The school shall work closely in accordance with the student’s family to provide detection and preventative health services. In accordance with the law, the school will provide vision, hearing and scoliosis screening. Problems shall be referred to the parents who shall be encouraged to have their family physician provide appropriate care.

Schools shall also provide emergency care for students in accidental or unexpected medical situations.

A permanent student health record shall be part of a student’s cumulative school record and shall follow the student from school to school. The record shall be maintained by the school nurse.

Medical Inspector

The Board of Education shall employ a school physician to serve as the medical inspector for the district. The Board shall also employ a registered nurse for each school to collaborate with the school physician.

Health Certificate

A health certificate shall be furnished by each student upon entrance to each school, and by each child entering the the first, third, seventh and tenth grade. An examination of any child may be required by school authorities at any time in their discretion to promote the education interests of such child.

Vision, Hearing and Scoliosis Tests

Each year, all students between eight and 16 years of age shall have their vision tested and be examined for scoliosis. Hearing tests shall also be made annually for pupils in grades seven and below.

Interscholastic Sports

All students participating in interscholastic sports must be examined by either the school or their own physician prior to participation. Proper documentation of this physical must be provided to the school nurse prior to the start of practice.

Contagious Diseases

Whenever upon investigation a student shows symptoms of any contagious or infectious disease, especially those reportable under public health law, the student shall be excluded from school and sent home or to a parent approved location immediately, in a safe and proper conveyance, and the proper health officer shall be immediately notified of the existence of the disease. The school district may require that the school physician or school nurse examine a student returning to school without a certificate from the town health officer, or the family physician, after absence due to illness or cause unknown.


All students entering or attending a school must present a written record of immunizations against measles, mumps, poliomyelitis, rubella, diphtheria and hemophilus influenza type bi.


A student may be exempted from the above requirements upon:

1. presentation of a physician’s statement indicating that immunization is inadvisable for reasons of health; or

2. presentation of a written notarized statement from the parent or guardian that the parent or guardian holds genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to the practices herein required. The statement must include an explanation of the basis of those beliefs.

Administration of Medicines to Students

The administration of prescribed medication to a student during school hours shall be permitted only when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student, or the student would not be able to attend school if the medicine were not made available during school hours. Before any medication may be administered to or by any student during school hours, the Board requires the written request of the parent or guardian and the written order of the prescribing physician. The form of these requests and the procedures for storing and administering medications shall be established by the Superintendent of Schools.

First Aid

The Superintendent shall develop and distribute to staff regulations and procedures that define responsibilities for provisions of first aid to students, school personnel and other persons on or using school property or involved in school sponsored activities. Such regulations and procedures shall also include provisions for calling and working with emergency personnel.

Medical Procedures in School Settings

Medical procedures performed on students during school hours shall be permitted only when the failure to perform such procedures would jeopardize the health of the student, or the student would not be able to attend school if the procedure were not made available during the school day. School physicians shall establish standing orders for routine procedures performed in school. Before any procedures are performed on students, a parent or guardian must file a written request and an order from the child’s physician.

Not all medical procedures are appropriately performed in school settings. In cases where there is a disagreement as to whether or not a procedure can or should be performed in a school setting, the school physician and school nursing personnel, after consultation with the child’s primary care physician, shall make a recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools.

The school district will not perform medical procedures on student who are in school buildings but not enrolled in school programs.


Following consultation with the school physician, the Superintendent is directed to issue school health service regulations consistent with this policy, state law, and the Commissioner’s Regulations and to ensure that appropriate information on this subject is conveyed to staff and parents.

Cross-ref: 1591, Students with HIV-Related Illness

Ref: Education Law §§902; 903; 904; 905; 906
Public Health Law §§680; 2164
8 NYCRR § 135.1, Part 136

Adopted: February 26, 1996
Amended: September 8, 1997