Annual Returning Student Enrollment Process

It is very important that the school begins the year with accurate contact information for each family. This is how we contact you in case of an emergency and how we know where to send text messages on snow days and other important notices.

The school district uses a secure, online process to gather this information. This process is called “Returning Student Enrollment.” To get started, simply visit the Niskayuna PowerSchool Parent Portal login page at and sign into your account.

From there, select the student you wish to register, and click on the Returning Student Enrollment link on the left side of the page.

If you need help accessing the Parent Portal or have any other questions, you can always contact the main office of your child’s school

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

1. Visit the Niskayuna PowerSchool Parent Portal login page:

2. Sign into your PowerSchool Parent/Guardian account.

3. Along the top, select the student you wish to register. (You will need to complete this process for each of your children.)

4. Click on the Returning Student Enrollment link on the left side of the portal

5. Agree to the terms and conditions

6. Click Begin Forms

I can’t remember my login for the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Click on “Having trouble signing in?” link on the PowerParent Sign In page. To receive an email with your account information you MUST use the same email address you used when you created your parent account. If you still cannot login, please contact your child’s school.

I’m trying to add a student to the Parent Portal, but I don’t have an Access ID.

Earlier this summer, the district mailed Access IDs to all parent(s)/guardian(s) of students who had no Parent Account created. If you do not receive this letter in the next several days, and need an Access ID, please contact your child’s school directly.

Do I have to answer all the questions?

Questions marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

What if I make a mistake?

If you would like to make a change prior to completing the registration, you can go to the page by clicking the “< Prev” and “Next >” buttons. Or, if you are on the Review page, click on the underlined field. If you have already submitted the registration, you will need to contact your child’s school.

I’ve completed the form, now what?

When you have finished entering your information, click “Submit.” This will send all of the information you’ve entered to the school. If you cannot click on this button, you will need to make sure that you have answered all REQUIRED questions.

If I have more than one student in the district do I need to do this for each child?

Yes, because you will need to provide information that is specific for each child. We recommend that you submit one and then start another – this will save you time as some parts of the form will be pre-populated for subsequent children.

I don’t know what a question is asking.

You can contact you school’s main office to ask any general questions about the form or the online process.