Board of Education Policy 7641: Transition Services

Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is age fifteen (15) (and at a younger age, if determined appropriate), and updated annually, the student’s IEP must include:

a) A statement of the student’s needs taking into account the student’s strengths, preferences and interests as they relate to transition from school to post-school activities;

b) Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age appropriate transition assessments relating to training, education, employment and, where appropriate, independent living skills;

c) A statement of transition service needs that focuses on the student’s courses of study, such as participation in advanced-placement courses or a vocational educational program;

d) Needed activities to facilitate the student’s movement from school to post-school activities, including instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation; and

e) A statement of the responsibilities of the District and participating agencies, when applicable, for the provision of such services and activities, before the student leaves the school setting, that promote movement from school to post-school opportunities.

The District must invite a student with a disability to attend the student’s CSE meeting if a purpose of the meeting will be the consideration of the postsecondary goals for the student and the transition services needed to assist the student in reaching those goals. If the student does not attend the CSE meeting, the District must take other steps to ensure that the student’s preference and interests are considered. To the extent appropriate, with the consent of the parent or a student who has reached the age of majority, the District must also invite a representative of any participating agency that is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services.

Transition services means a coordinated set of activities for a student with a disability, designed within a results-oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the student with a disability to facilitate movement from school to post-school activities. Post-school activities include, but are not limited to, post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation. The coordinated set of activities must be based on the student’s strengths, preferences and interests and shall include needed activities in the following areas:

a) Instruction;

b) Related services (the term “related services” does not include a medical device that is surgically implanted, the optimization of the device’s functioning (e.g., mapping), maintenance of, or the replacement of such device);

c) Community experiences;

d) The development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives; and

e) When appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of a functional vocational evaluation.

Graduation/Aging Out

The District is not required to conduct a reevaluation of a student before the termination of a student’s eligibility due to graduation with a local high school or Regents diploma or exceeding the age eligibility for a free appropriate public education. However, the District must provide the student with a summary of the student’s academic achievement and functional performance, including recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting his/her post-secondary goals.

Before a student’s graduation from high school with a Skills and Achievement (SA) Commencement Credential or Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential (CDOS), parents must receive prior written notice indicating that the student continues to be eligible for a free appropriate public education until the end of the school year in which the student turns twenty-one (21) or until receipt of a regular high school diploma.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, Public Law 108-446 Section 614(a)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 USC Sections 1400 et seq.
34 CFR Sections 300.321, 300.343, 300.347 and 300.348
Education Law Section 4401
8 NYCRR Sections 200.1(qq), 200.1(fff), 2004.(d)(2)(ix), and 200.5(c)(2)(vii)

NOTE: Refer also to Policy #7617 — Declassification of Students with Disabilities

Adopted October 22, 2019