Board of Education Policy 5450: Student Safety

The Board of Education recognizes the district’s responsibility for providing for the safety of all students in school buildings on school grounds, and while participating in school activities.

The safety of all students shall be the responsibility of all staff members. In case of accident or injury, students shall receive first aid from the nurse, teacher, or other trained employee nearest the scene. The nurse or teacher, not the student, shall notify a parent or legal guardian as soon as possible. If neither parent is available, the family or school physician shall be notified.

The safety of students will be monitored through close supervision of students on school premises and on school buses. Special attention will be given to the following:

1. maintaining a safe school environment through periodic inspection of the physical condition of all buildings and grounds;

2. observation of safe practices on the pa1t of school personnel and students, particularly in those areas of instruction or extracurricular activities which offer special hazards. Section 409-a of the Education Law and the relevant sections of the Commissioner’s Regulations regarding the wearing of eye safety devices in technology classes and laboratories, etc., will be strictly observed;

3. offering safety education to students, as appropriate, in subjects such as laboratory courses in science, technology courses, and health and physical education; and

4. notifying the school nurse of all accidents. For every accident, an accident report must be completed and filed.

In addition, school personnel shall be conscious of suspicious strangers loitering in or near the school. The Building Principal shall notify law enforcement agencies if the circumstances seem to warrant it. Students shall be instructed to notify teachers, their parents, police or school officials of any suspicious strangers.

Safety Measures

1. Fire and emergency disaster drills are to be conducted on a regular basis and at least as often as required by law.

2. The Principal is responsible for a decision to close or to evacuate a particular school in case of emergency. The decision to close or to delay the opening of schools due to inclement weather is the responsibility of the Superintendent of Schools.

3. Eye safety devices shall be provided for all students, instructors and visitors as outlined in Section 141.10 of the Commissioner’s Regulations.

The safety and welfare of the children is to be the prime consideration in such decisions.

Cross-ref: 8100, Safety Program
8120, Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures
8130, Emergency Plans
8132, Fire Drills
8414, School Bus Safety

Ref: Education Law §§806; 808; 3212-a
8 NYCRR §§107.1; 141.10

Adopted: February 26, 1996