Board of Education Policy 5310: Student Discipline

The Board of Education believes that students should be responsible for their own behavior. Students who fail to comply with the expected standards for school behavior may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Discipline is most effective when it deals directly with a problem when it occurs. Therefore, before seeking outside assistance, staff members will first use their best efforts to create a change of behavior in the classroom or other location of student misbehavior.

Disciplinary action, when necessary, will be firm, fair, and consistent in order to be most effective in changing behavior. Educational staff are responsible to determine the most effective use of district resources to prevent and correct student discipline problems. Extreme penalties will not be assigned without first reviewing the student’s disciplinary records and considering the circumstances which lead to the improper behavior.

Child Study Teams in each elementary school and Student Services Teams at the middle and high schools shall be made up of teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, and others as appropriate. Teams at the middle and high schools shall also include the school nurse. These groups shall meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to identify chronic and acute discipline problems and draw upon expertise of members to assist a student.

The Superintendent of Schools shall solicit the recommendations of the teaching staff and administrators regarding in-service programs pertaining to the management and discipline of students and shall recommend appropriate in-service programs to the Board.

Cross-ref: 5311, Student Rights and Responsibilities
5313, Penalties

Ref: Education Law §§2801; 3214 8
NYCRR §100.2(1)1, 2

Adopted: February 26, 1996
Revised: August 5, 2002