Board of Education Policy 1620: Annual Organizational Meeting

The Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education shall be held on the first Tuesday in July of each year, unless that day is a legal holiday, in which event it shall be held on the first Wednesday in July.

The Board may pass a resolution, however, to hold its Annual Organizational Meeting at any time during the first fifteen (15) days of July.


The meeting shall be called to order by the District Clerk, who shall act as a Temporary Chairperson. The Board shall proceed to the election of a President. The President shall then take the chair. The Board shall then elect a Vice President. Election shall be by a majority vote. Officers will serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected.

Oath of Office

The District Clerk shall administer the Oath of Office to the newly elected officers and new members of the Board.

Education Law Sections 1701, 1706, 1707, 1709, 2109, 2502(9) and 2504(1)

Adopted November 13, 2018