Information about Google Hangout and Google Classroom

Many Niskayuna educators utilize Google classroom to stay connected with students and facilitate the two-way sharing of information and resource.

  • A Google classroom is established for groups of students. It enables teachers to more effectively provide assignments to and receive assignments from multiple students and preserve the group and class relationships that have been established this year.
  • Classrooms will be accessible only to your child’s teacher or provider, the other students enrolled and adults at home who may assist them, and other district staff with a legitimate need to access the classroom (e.g., a related service provider or other teacher working in concert with your child’s teacher to provide services or district technical support staff).
  • By accepting services through Google classroom, we want you to be aware that your name or your child’s name will be visible to other participants, similar to how a student or parent volunteer in the classroom would see and be aware of other students.
  • If you receive notice that one or more of your child’s services will be provided through Google classroom and have concerns or questions, please contact the teacher or provider of that service.
  • The district is also working on determining the appropriateness and feasibility of providing certain services through real-time video instruction.
  • As with Google classroom, any staff providing these services are expected to protect student confidentiality by identifying a suitable location and set up in their home that will limit other’s access to student information and minimize the potential for interruptions during real-time services.
  • Prior to starting any real-time video services, providers will be in contact with parents to discuss the student’s availability for such services and any questions or concerns.

In Google Classroom, students can always:

  • Se​e a list of all students in the same Google Classroom (first and last name)
  • See a list of the teachers

Depending on how the teacher chooses settings for the classroom, posts, or work:

  • Students may be able to post and see what others post (teachers can turn student posting off)
  • Students may be able to respond to others’ “question” answers (teachers can avoid the “question” function, or turn off the ability to see others’ answers)​
  • Students can potentially see that others have been assigned specific material when teachers post material to a subset of students (if students are granted edit or view-only rights)