Board of Education Policy 7620: Students with Disabilities Participating in School District Programs

All students with disabilities residing in the District, including those of preschool age, shall be provided with full access and opportunity to participate in School District programs, including nonacademic and extracurricular programs and activities that are available to all other students enrolled in the public schools of the District.

Parents/guardians of students with disabilities, including those students placed in out-of-District programs, shall receive timely notice of such District programs and activities.

The CSE Chairperson and/or building administrator shall be responsible for the identification of each student with a disability who requires supports or accommodations to access District programs and services, and arranging for the necessary accommodations or supports to allow the student to access such programs.

This policy is applicable to all students identified with disabilities under Part 200 of the Commissioner’s Regulations as well as students who qualify for such accommodations under §504 of the Rehabilitation Act (“504″).

Education Law Sections 4402(1)(b)(3-a) and 4410 (5)(b)(IV)

8 NYCRR Sections 200.2(b)(1) and 200.2(b)(2)

Adopted May 9, 2017