ECAC Meeting Minutes – April 30, 2018


In attendance: Alyssa Zelkowitz, Bill Wales, Bill Anders, Lauren Gemmill, Dr. Tangorra, Neysha Byrd, Eva Jones, Jon Romano, Vicki Wyld, Karen Behrman, Dara Weingarten, Tammy Weingarten, Jeanne Sosnow, Genghis Khan, Anjalee Modasra, Kim Mousaw, Samantha Bloem, Carey Merrill

Subcommittee Reports

Diversity Subcommittee

Alyssa Zelkowitz:

  • The Diversity subcommittee met in early April with Dr. V to discuss the execution of the student video project and ways we can get involved in school community.
  • We generated a list of ways we can get involved in schools.
  • We also talked about the diversity liaison position that was posted on April 23. The posting has since closed.

Mental Health/Wellness Subcommittee

Jeanne Sosnow:

  • The big issues are being worked on. A social worker is in the 2018-19 budget.
  • Our committee is talking about some of the cultural change – how do we reach out to parents/community with the message? How can we educate about being so connected to our devices?
  • For now, subcommittee plan to do Fast Facts about the impact on kids academically and socially.

Events Subcommittee

Dr. Tangorra:

  • Spoke with subcommittee co-chairs. They are working with students to create a float for Niska-Day. The hope is to have greater participation from students marching in parade.

Update from Dr. Tangorra

  • Ms. Gemmill and I met with members of start-time subcommittee from IPAC. I am starting to see how their work can dove-tail with mental health subcommittee. Their data will be shared with Mental Health subcommittee.
  • In terms of Diversity subcommittee, a handful of people reviewed the videos that have been done with our students. The next step is for leadership and the board to review videos before the end of the year. We may bring in the students and their families who participated over the summer to view the videos as well.
  • We need to come up with a professional development plan to determine where the content of the videos can help us move forward.
  • With help of Diversity subcommittee, we have created a diversity liaison and description and posting. We hope to have that position filled by the end of the year. Diversity subcommittee members will be asked to sit on interviews.
  • Hoping to have a better idea of how to work videos into PD for faculty and staff by late fall.
  • Videos were powerful. Information that came from students was very useful going forward. They are part of larger picture.
    • Board continue to use diversity goals as a lens in terms of policy
    • Leadership look at practices and regulations
    • Professional development plan for all employees
    • Look at code of conduct
  • Discussed recent article in Daily Gazette
  • Dr. Tangorra suggested for ECAC to write an open letter to staff to explain what it is that they want to see. What end goal do they want to happen?

“Strategic Questions” Activity

There were different areas/buckets that Dr. V suggested we take a look at:

  • Policy
  • Professional Development
  • Instructional Practice
  • Community
  •  Other

Committee members were asked to put questions or points of consideration on post-its and then place them on posters to be considered over the next 3-4 months.

Vicki Wyld said she will put them all together for Dr. Tangorra to look at as we move forward.

Meeting ended at 7:15 p.m. Summer meeting TBD.